Monday, April 7, 2008

Baboons and Mandrills

First part of the day was spent cleaning up the baboon/mandril night houses and exibits. I learned some valuable tidbits about the hamadryas baboons from Debbie that I actually remembered. I learned how to positively tell the girls apart. I will note it here so that I can always use it as a reference:

Gertie - stalkiest of the three females
Grady - really red face, especially around her eyes
Sky - long, slender face/nose

It's harder to tell them apart on exhibit, the keepers even admit they still have a little trouble with this. But now at least when they are stationed in their night houses I can tell them apart.

I did get to visit lemur island which was great as always. I did something a little different with the food this time though, the three males are a little underweight so they're biscuits are carefully measured out and need to be hand fed to make sure each animal gets his alotted diet. It was quite the task to get each one isolated enough from the dominant females in order to get them their portions. It took a bit of clever maneuvering but I think Comet, Mantabi and Maswalla all got enough biscuits! They are such sweethearts.

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