Monday, July 2, 2007

Volunteer Keeper Week 4

As of yesterday I've officially reached the one month mark of volunteering as a keeper assistant at the Phoenix Zoo. Yesterday I worked with Denise at Orangutan again which means I have worked all carnivore/primate strings; Orang with Denise, Carnivore with Amy, Uco with Lelanie & primates with Amber. I have been having such an awesome time, it is definitely very hard work though - it's not for the weak-willed and not for people who don't truly have a passion for animals. In order to maintain a good attitude, you absolutely have to love them and know that you are doing it for a reason.

Siamangs are one of two species of lesser apes or Gibbons. We have a male and a female on Siamang island - Cindy and Boyd.

Yesterday, Denise and I paddled out acroos the algae-laiden muck...I mean the lake, to Siamang Island. The relentless sunshine made for temperatures in excess of 114 degrees all day. Our little boat was made out of metal - not pleasant. Anyway, we had prepared some bags of popcorn for treats and BE, along with a cup full of grapes and banannas which the apes also love. Cindy and Boyd had already been fed their morning diet of corn on the cob and some monkey biscuits so this was it for the day. When we arrived I patrolled the small island for poo and said hi to Cindy when she came up to investigate what I might be doing with that big rake and bucket. After a quick once over, I was deemed acceptable and she went on to join Boyd and Denise with the popcorn.

1 comment:

DJ Powersurge said...

My hedgie is all white with dark eyes, too! None of the hedgehog sites have that listed as a color. I have just decided that he is a violet eyed albino. I guess that they are really rare. :)