aw...Catta is loving the shade

Weekend of May 10th, 2008
Last weekend was an interesting one...for many reasons. I ended up re-aquainting with an old friend/boss that I haven't seen in about 7 years on Saturday, strangely enough, this (in my mind major event) fell on the birthday of an ex of mine who refuses to stay in touch with me anymore because he got married. Just to add to the weirdness, this friend/boss from 7 years ago married a lady named Tracey, (divorced now and apparently dating strippers...but hey, I guess that's another story altogether) and the afore-mentioned ex did the same exact thing, only like, a few years later. Minus the dating strippers part. Yep, Tracy. Of course, the spelling is different but...geez. It seems like the universe enjoys playing crazy coincidence games with me sometimes. Of course I always get caught up in it and think it means something at the time but in reality, I always find that it doesn't. But really, what are the odds. I guess if I ever have a daughter, the name Tracy is out. I really don't like that name.
AAAnyway, Friday night I ended up taking care of Sassy, my brother's wife's dad's dog. I tend to be her caretaker whenever Dan needs to go out of town for businesss. Sassy decided to take a swim when we got back from our walk, so of course I encouranged her, grabbed a beer and took some photos.

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