Awesome day. The weather is finally cooling down so Zoo attendance is picking up. Animals are much happier, the Red Ruffed lemurs were enjoying time up in the trees (which is much more natrual for them), instead of desperately seeking shade under their nighthouse stalls. I'm so glad fall is FINALLY here and there are so many exciting things coming up. Stingrays will be back at the Zoo on Oct. 20th, and Wyland will be here the 22nd! The longer I work here, the more I feel like this is exactly where I am supposed to be :-)

Heh, Ryker pushing herself in the kiddy swing. So cute - what a little show off!
Just a few shots I managed to snag with my cell phone.

This little owl will be featured in a
ZooLights exhibition on zookeeping.
We took a bunch of pictures today
for it. This one's for Foley ;)

Above: this is Sam - HI SAM!!!

Squeaks and LeiLani enjoying each other's company.
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